Media Coverage

59 : 11 - 20
September 11, 2023 KONDO Shigeto
“Iran-GCCCooperation Imperative for Global Energy Supplies” (His comment posed.) Diplomatic NewsAgency [Pakistan]
September 11, 2023
July 31, 2023 HORINUKI Koji
“Energy First, Business Second: Japanʼs Economic Diplomacy to the GCC States.” In Adel Abdel Ghafar & Abdullah Baabood (eds.), 'Asia in the GCC: A New Strategic Partner?' Middle East Council on Global Affairs and Waseda University
2023, pp125-136
July 31, 2023 KONDO Shigeto
“The Implications of the Energy Transition on Asian Powers and the GCC: From the Perspectives of Japan and Saudi Arabia.” In Adel Abdel Ghafar & Abdullah Baabood (eds.), 'Asia in the GCC: A New Strategic Partner?' Middle East Council on Global Affairs and Waseda University
2023, pp.73-78
July 17, 2023 KONDO Shigeto
“Clean energy on agenda of Japan PM's pre-COP28 talks in UAE” France 24 (AFP)
July 17,2023
July 17, 2023 SATO Kana
"Japan's prime minister wants a 'multi-layer' relationship with the Middle East, analyst says" 'Middle East Matters' CNBC International
13:15, July 17,2023
July 14, 2023 YOSHIOKA Akiko
“Japanʼs Kishida steps up energy diplomacy with Middle East tour in push for ʻstableʼ ties” South China Morning Post
July 16, 2023
July 14, 2023 HOSAKA Shuji
”Energy diplomacy kicks into high gear as Kishida heads to Middle East” The Japan Times
July 14, 2023
June 7, 2023 KONDO Shigeto
“The Joint Crediting Mechanism in the Paris Agreement Era: The Challenges of and Potential for Future Saudi-Japanese Cooperation” KAPSARC
June 7, 2023
March 31, 2023 HORINUKI Koji
"Japan‒UAE Relations: Establishment of Multifaceted Interdependence Based on Energy" in Satoru Nakamura and Steven Wright eds. Japan and the Middle East: Foreign Policies and Interdependence, Palgrave MacMillan, 2023
March 20, 2023 SAKANASHI Sachii
"Японский эксперт назвала войну в Ираке началом постепенного ослабления США" RIA Novosti
March 20, 2023