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BBC News Online: World: South Asia

Monday, 17 September, 2001, 11:16 GMT 12:16 UK

US seeks Bangladesh assistance

US Navy aircraft carriers USS Enterprise and USS Carl Vinson in the Arabian Gulf
The US is seeking access to port facilities for its navy
By Kamal Ahmed in Dhaka

The United States has asked Bangladesh for the use of its ports and airports in the event of possible attacks against Afghanistan.

Bangladeshi officials say the caretaker government has been consulting senior political and military leaders about the US request.

The request was made during a weekend meeting between the US ambassador in Dhaka and Bangladesh's Foreign Secretary, Shafi Sami.

The US has said it has fully identified all those responsible for the attack on New York and Washington, and its response may require access to sea and airport facilities of friendly countries throughout the world.

Early response

A Bangladeshi official said that the US had specifically asked for the right to fly over its territory.

Bangladeshis hold a candle-light vigil in Dhaka
It also wants access to the sea port, airfields and refuelling facilities for US vessels and aircraft.

He also said that Bangladesh's assistance may be needed at short notice.

The US has said it is prepared to work on a procedure to ensure that the actions of both the governments are well coordinated.

America has requested a response as early as possible in order to help continue its planning.

Mr Sami told the BBC that the Bangladeshi authorities were discussing the US request.

A non-party caretaker administration headed by the chief adviser, Latifur Rahman, is in charge of the government ahead of the general elections which are due on 1 October.

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Pakistan seeks Bin Laden surrender (17 Sep 01 | South Asia) Bush ponders hits on terror chiefs (17 Sep 01 | Americas) Q&A: Military options (16 Sep 01 | Americas)

Internet links: US State Department | US Embassy, Dhaka | Government of Bangladesh |
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