Islamic Association For Palestine
Proudly Serving Palestine and Al Quds

Today's Photos

Reuters Photo

A Palestinian boy carries a poster reading "Terror is Our Common Enemy" during a vigil outside the U.S. consulate in east-Jerusalem, September 12, 2001. Palestinians said they sympathized with the victims of the attack in the United States despite their criticism of U.S. support for Israel during the Palestinian uprising.

Reuters Photo

One of the World Trade Center towers burns behind New York's Brooklyn Bridge September 11, 2001. In the worst attack on American soil since Pearl Harbor, three hijacked planes slammed into the Pentagon and New York's landmark World Trade Center on Tuesday, demolishing the two 110-story towers that symbolize U.S. financial might, and killing an unknown number of people. Numerous Islamic and Arab organizations have condemned the attack and have offered assistance in the disaster relief in the days ahead.



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January 5, undefined

Reuters Photo

Palestinians donate blood in Gaza hospital September 12, 2001, for the victims of yesterday's terrorist attacks in the United States. Palestinians said they sympathized with the victims of the attack in the United States despite their criticism of U.S. support for Israel during the Palestinian uprising.

Muslim Leaders in Palestine condemn WTC disaster, pay condolences to victims' families

Occupied Jerusalem: 12 September, 2001 (IAP News) - Muslim leaders all over Palestine have condemned the two terrorist attacks in New York and Washington but called on the US to refrain from backing Israeli oppression of the Palestinian people.

"We condemn these terrible attacks and offer our condolences to the inflicted, any attacks on innocent people is unacceptable," said Hamas leader Sheikh Ahmed Yasin.

He described Israeli efforts at implicating some Islamic movements in what happened as "expected disinformation."

"We are accustomed to this Zionist behavior, they did it at the time of the Oklahoma City bombing and they are doing it now."

Sheikh Yasin said Hamas doesn't carry out operation outside Palestine.

"Our struggle is against Israeli occupation, oppression and apartheid. We don't view the American people as our enemy."

Yasin though urged the American government not to allow Israel to trigger anti-American sentiments around the world through Israeli dirty actions against the Palestinians."

Other Muslim leaders in Palestine condemned the attacks in New York on the grounds that it caused many deaths among innocent civilians.

"We don't know who did it, but irrespective of that, we condemn the attacks and believe they are inhumane and morally unacceptable," said Nayef Rajoub, an Islamist leader in Dura.

Rajoub said it was unlikely that an Islamic organization was behind the attacks, arguing that the United States has many enemies around the world as well as some within the United States itself.

Other current stories

Don't vent anger on Muslims, Australian church leader urges (Sept 12 Iviews/AFP)

Israeli Tanks Roll Into Jericho (Sept 12 - Reuters)

Silent Crimes: Palestinian Leadership Statement on Israeli Attack On Jenin (Sept 12- PMC)

Arab Americans Fear Backlash (Sept 12 - BBC)

Statement From Americans for Justice in Palestine (Sept 12)

Statement from the Palestinian town of Beit Sahour Condemns Attack On US (Sept 12)

Statement of the National Conference for Community and Justice (Sept  12)

PA cabinet secretary condemns attack on The US (Sept 12 - Palestine Report)

Hanan Ashrawi Denounces Terrorist Attack - Expresses Condolences (Sept 12 - PMC)

Palestinian officials: Israel exploits "innocent American blood" to shed "innocent Palestinian blood" (Sept 12 - IAP News)

Israeli occupation troops murder 11 Palestinians (Sept 12 - IAP News)

Muslim Leaders in Palestine condemn WTC disaster, pay condolences to victims' families (Sept 12 - IAP News)

IAP condemnation of the terrorist attack on our nation (Sept 11 - IAP News)


Palestinian schools observe five minutes of silence to mourn and sympathize with American victims, to condemn terrorism against peoples and civilians, and to reiterate the principles of liberty, independence and self-determination.

Interesting quote Of the day

"We further call on all media outlets to not point any fingers on any segment of our society, especially the Muslim and Arab communities. We should have learned from the Oklahoma tragedy not to rush for judgment, and let the investigations take its course." Excerpt from Sept 11th IAP Press Release    

Information regarding FBI raid on Infcom Corp (Updated regularly)

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