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Action Alert

(WASHINGTON, DC - 9/11/2001) - The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), a prominent Washington-based Islamic advocacy group, is calling on Muslims nationwide to offer whatever assistance they can to help the victims of today's terrorist attacks in New York and Washington, D.C.

In an alert to the American Muslim community, CAIR suggested that the following actions be taken:

  • Muslim medical professionals are asked to go to the scenes of the attacks to offer aid and comfort to the victims.
  • Muslim relief agencies should contact their counterparts to offer support in the recovery efforts.
  • Individual Muslims should donate blood by contacting the local office of the Red Cross. (Call 1-800-GIVE-LIFE.) They should also send donations to those relief agencies that are on the scene of the attacks.

CAIR's alert asked community members to report incidents of anti-Muslim harassment or attacks. It also suggested steps to take to increase security around mosques and Islamic centers. (In the first few days following the 1995 attack on the Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma, Muslims reported more than 200 incidents of harassment, threats and actual violence. CAIR has already received reports of harassment and attacks against Muslims who wear Islamic attire.)

Security precautions suggested by CAIR's alert include:

  • Those who wear Islamic attire should consider staying out of public areas for the immediate future.
  • Request additional police patrols in the vicinity of mosques.
  • Post mosque members at entrances and parking areas during prayer times.
  • Report suspicious packages to police.
  • Document descriptions of suspicious people or vehicles.

There are an estimated seven million Muslims in America and some 1.2 billion worldwide. Islam is one of the fastest growing religions in this country and around the world.