Executive Analyst, Assistant Director, JIME Center, IEEJ
Contemporary Iraqi Politics and Energy, Kurdish Issues
Akiko Yoshioka is an Executive Analyst of JIME Center – Institute of Energy Economics, Japan and constantly provides expertise through institute’s publications and media. She was a visiting researcher in the Gulf Research Centre in Dubai in 2007. The fields of her research interests are contemporary Iraqi politics including Iraqi Kurdistan Region and fragile state governance. She received her PhD in public affairs from Chiba University. Her Twitter account is @Akiko_Yoshioka
Her English publications are as follows;
- “Japan’s Foreign Policy toward Iraq after the War.” Asia Research Bulletin, No.3, Gulf Research Center, November 2007, pp.26-29.
- “The Cold Relationship between Arab States and Iraq during the Transitional Phase after the Iraq War.” Journal of Greater Middle Eastern Studies, Vol.1, No.2, Konkok University, 2008
- “The Shifting Balance of Power in Iraqi Kurdistan: The Struggle for Democracy with Uninstitutionalized Governance.” International Journal of Contemporary Iraqi Studies, Volume 9 Number 1, 2015, pp.21-35.
- “Relations between Japan and the Middle East,” The Newsletter, No.80, International Institute for Asian Studies, 2018.
- “What Caused the KRG Miscalculation on the Independence Referendum?” Fikra Forum, January 2018.
- “Japan’s Controversial Participation in the Iraq War,” The Changing Security Environment in the Middle East and the Role of the U.S. – Japan Cooperation, April 2020, pp.15-21.
- “Power Struggle in Kurdistan and Political Mobilization in Disputed Territories: from Analyses of 2021 Iraqi Election,” From Protest to Ballot Box: 2021 election in Iraq and its national, regional and local consequences, February 2020, pp.39-53.
- “Challenges for the Kurdistan Region: Disputed territories and Kurdistani identity,” Iraq since the Invasion: People and Politics in a State of Conflict, Edited by Keiko Sakai and Philip Marfleet, Routledge, 2020, pp.172-184.